The Board of Directors of PT. Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk (“Company”) hereby invite the Shareholders of the Company to attend its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (“Meeting”) that will be held on :
Day / Date : Wednesday, 15th June 2016.
Time : 10.00 West Indonesia Time – finish.
Venue : Mercure Convention Center Ancol Teluk Jakarta Room, 1st Floor Taman Impian Jaya Ancol North Jakarta.
with the following agenda :
- Approval of the Board of Directors’ Annual Report including the Board of Commissioner’s Report on implementation of control’s duty and Ratification of the Company’s financial statement for the financial year 2015.
- Determination of appropriation of the Company’s net profit for the financial year 2015.
- Appointment of Public Accountant Firm for the financial year 2016 and grant the authorization to the Board of Directors of the Company to determine the honorarium and also other requirements for such appointment.
- Change of the Company’s members of the Board of Commissioners.
- Determination of the honorarium, salary and other remuneration for the members of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company.
Explanation of meeting agendas are as follows :
Meeting Agendas Nos. 1 – 3 and No. 5 are routine agenda for AGM of the Company in compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and Law No. 40 of 2007 regarding Limited Liability Companies.
Meeting Agenda No. 4 is due to the resignation of the company’s Independent Commissioner, Mr Samijadi Ruslie, effective as of 15th June 2016 (the closing of AGM).
Note :
- The Company will not issue any invitation to each of the Shareholders, as this advertisement is a formal invitation in accordance with Articles of Association of the Company paragraph 4 of Article 14.
- For shares of the Company that have not been kept in collective custody, only the Shareholders or their legitimate representation, whose names are registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company on Monday, 23rd May 2016 at 4.00 pm West Indonesia Time at Biro Administrasi Efek (BAE) PT. Datindo Entrycom.
- For shares of the Company that are kept in collective custody, only the Account Holders or their legitimate Account Holders whose names are registered on the Account Holder or Custodian Bank in PT. Kustodian Sentral Efek Indonesia (“KSEI”) on Monday, 23rd May 2016 at 4.00 pm West Indonesia Time.
- For Account Holders of KSEI in collective custody are required to provide a list of Shareholders to KSEI to get a written confirmation for the Meeting (“KTUR”).
- Shareholders who are entitled to attend or represented in the meeting are :
- Shareholders who are unable to attend, could be represented by a power of attorney with a letter signed by the Shareholder on enough stamp duty and attach a copy of the identity of Shareholders and the proxy. Proxy Form could be taken at the Company’s office : Jalan Ancol Barat VII Blok A5/D No. 2, Jakarta Utara 14430.
- The Shareholders in collective Custody is expected to bring KTUR, that is obtained through the Exchange Member or Custodian Bank.
- The related materials for the Meeting are available at the office of the Company from the date of this invitation until the date of the Meeting and copies of the meeting materials can be obtained by written request of Shareholders to the Directors of the Company at the address listed in item 3 or through company’s website :
- Shareholders or their proxies attending the Meeting will be requested to submit a copy of the identity to the Company’s Officers before entering into the meeting room and requested to be present at the Meeting 30 (thirty) minutes before the Meeting started.
Jakarta, 24th May 2016
The Board of Directors