Reference is made to the Financial Service Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) Regulation No 55/POJK.04/2015 dated 23 December 2015 on the Establishment and Work Guideline of the Audit Committee (“FSA Regulation 55/2015”);

We hereby inform you that the Board of Commissioner of the Company through a decree number BOC-WICO / 001 / IV / 2020,  effective as of 1 April 2020 has approved the appointment of:

  • Bapak Stan Pranoto as a new Audit Committee Member to replace Ibu Lilian Rumengan
  • Bapak Robert Darmadi as a new Audit Committee Member to replace Ibu Shelly Simadar

The Chairman of the Audit Committee remains to be held by Bapak Suhadi.

Hereby this public disclosure is conveyed.


Jakarta, 1 April 2020

Board of Directors

PT Wicaksana Overseas International Tbk

Jalan Ancol Barat VII Blok A 5D No 2, Jakarta Utara 14430, Indonesia